Making peace With Food


It’s been less than a month that I started eating chicken again. but in this short time I have made substantial strides with Intuitive Eating! eating much more protein has really helped me be aware of my hunger and fullness. Also, now that I have meat on my radar I’ve been having cravings for random things. like today I had a crazy need to eat hard boiled eggs! So, I made a batch and had one as a mid-morning snack.

Lunch was a enormous salad topped with leftover Shepherd’s pie, hummus and a thick piece of TJ’s Tuscan ww Pane. So.good.
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Now it’s time for some Intuitive eating stuff. If this isn’t your thing, please pass it on

One of the questions I get many typically about Intuitive eating is about how to Make peace with Food. It is the third step of IE after 1.) decline the diet mentality and 2.) honor your hunger.

From Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Recsh’s website, this is the description of Making peace with Food:

Call a truce, stop the food fight! give yourself unconditional consent to eat. If you tell yourself that you can’t or shouldn’t have a particular food, it can result in intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, bingeing When you finally “give-in” to your forbidden food, eating will be experienced with such intensity, it typically results in Last supper overeating, and overwhelming guilt.

So if you’re here you ought to already have realized Diets don’t work and you’re aiming for a life style change. Also, that you ought to eat when you’re hungry to take care of your body. You still with me? Okay, then we can proceed…

Making peace with food is another way of saying – There are NO bad Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Australia or forbidden foods.

You can no longer say, “I can’t eat brownies.” Or if you pass up birthday cake because it’s high in calories when you really want a piece – then, you’re doing it wrong.

True, there are times when you may  pass up something indulgent because you don’t want to feel overly full or unpleasant – and that is okay. But, if you are denying yourself something you really want because of the calorie count spinning through your head than you are not making peace with food.

Food is not bad. Stabbing someone is bad (unless they’re trying to steal your food, then it’s permissible). But, food shouldn’t have good or Camiseta Stade Rennais FC bad labels.

Healthy and un-healthy labels? Maybe. but not “good” or “bad”.

Yeah, but how do you do that?

Well, for me it was a very long process. I used to tell myself I shouldn’t eat cereal any much more and in preparation to “give up” cereal I would binge on it. I probably ended up eating  a week’s worth of it in one day. So, giving it up for a week was canceled out. Fanfreakingtastic.

This happened with a few different foods when I was trying to create a diet to help me lose weight. I would promise off ice cream or white bread or Clif bars only to end up eating them much more because I thought I couldn’t or shouldn’t.

Finally I told myself it was all good. I could eat any food I wanted, but I ought to only eat it until I’m full. because years of binging and restricting had killed my hunger signals, this was very hard.

I over ate these newly “okayed” foods sometimes. But, because I knew I could have them again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that… I didn’t feel the need to eat the whole box now.

Slowly I realized that if I eat 4 bowls of cereal I feel bloated afterwards. Plus, I’m still hungry after! and when I eat ice cream while standing in the kitchen at 4 o’clock in the afternoon I feel like crap for the rest of the night.

So, when I purchased dark chocolate peanut butter cupsin October I joked that I would eat them all in one night. A lot of readers said they wouldn’t be able to control themselves if they had these in the house.

But, the reality is – they lasted for a few weeks between Ben and I. sure I may have had one too numerous Camiseta Newcastle United for dessert a few times, but I never shoved them in my mouth in an out of control binge either.

I know that if I eat 8 PB cups I’m going to feel crappy. My stomach won’t really hurt (because it’s an iron cauldron and I can really eat anything), but my energy will rise and plummet so I’m useless, and my blood sugar will want to be spiked back up and instigate me to binge.

I learned that the hard way, but now I know.

Even though I have made peace with Food there are still times when I over do it. There are times when I amthisclose to purchasing the new Cinnamon Cheerios, but put them back on the shelf (even after they’re ridden around the entire store with me in pleased anticipation of being eaten) because I know I’m in a bad place mentally and will eat them all that night. That happened this weekend.

So, like so numerous other things in healthy living it’s a balance. I let myself have full consent to eat things that were formerly forbidden like granola, ice cream, cheese. but I also try and pay attention to how I feel and how I want to feel for the rest of the day.

If I want energy to run tomorrow then I ought to eat a good meal for dinner. If I want to avoid binging in the afternoon I ought to have nut butter with breakfast. and if I don’t want to feel bloated for the rest of the night then I shouldn’t eat 4 bowls of cereal, a Vitatop with PB and a handful of chocolate chips for dessert. Not that I do that. Anymore.



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